Space Goofs Wiki

Spook to Rent is 36 episode from season 1.


Ghost is wrecking everything in house. Bud tries to persuade others that he look for something but they listen.


In very scary night with dark clouds and moon, shadow of Candy approaches from Aliens attic to Candy room. 1, after he opens drawer to see what he needs to wear, his vandalized brown panty hose was covered with hole, scream and break into tear. But 2, Gorgious now starts panic and cry when his mahogany back scratcher was broke into 2 pieces. And then, when Etno walk into lab to do his latest experiment, he panics in horror that some 1 been blow their nose and pillaging though his ascots that is way beyond contempt.

More of this plot is coming up.



  • If you like to see the transcript of this episode, click on to this link.


  • Candy transformation into sailor which he acts like pirate with his laugh and, pink skin with muscles, was based on character, Popeye Sailor from comic book and cartoon franchise.
  • Famous giant seal, Bobby Dick, which he bit Flying Dutchman lost leg was parodied from fictional giant sperm whale, Moby Dick from Novel Of Same Name by Herman Meville.
  • Candy Snoutra poster from his room had brief cameo from episode, Snoutra.
  • Verse which Candy was say to get rid of Flying Dutchman, was based from sea song, Dead Man Chest.